المنظمة العربية للتنمية الصناعية والتقييس والتعدين
Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining Organization
Message of the Arab Standardization Day
25 March 2023
“Standardization for a Sustainable Economic Future”
The Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining Organization (AIDSMO) along with the Arab Standardization Bodies commemorate the yearly Arab Standardization Day on March 25th, as a contribution to the outreach efforts and recognition of standardization importance in all walks of life.
The Arab standardization bodies, opted for “Standardization for a Sustainable Economic Future” as slogan for the year 2023. This is to highlight the role of standardization in the implementation of sustainable development goals and the provision of realistic solutions for the challenges faced. Sustainable Development, in its simple notion, is a development that employs natural resources
without their depletion. It is not confined to the environmental aspect, but also includes the
economic and social aspects.
Therefore, it is the role of standards to achieve sustainable development goals through the provision of a set of standards that outline broad policies for sustainability and environment protection, most importantly: (ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 18000, ISO 26000). These help institutions and individuals attain and implement the intended goals of good governance practices, reduction of waste and rationalization of consumption, conservation of the environment and health and safety of the consumer, improvement of the products and services quality and expansion of the market opportunities.
We seize this opportunity to call on the Arab Member States to look forward a promising future that ensures the sustainability of their economic growth and encourage the use and application of standards in line with modern global trends and systems.
On this occasion, AIDSMO conveys its warmcongratulations and sincere thanks to heads and all staff operating in the Arab standardization bodies who spared no effort to upgrade national industries and products and raise their competitiveness in the Arab and international markets to facilitate inter-Arab trade.
Eng. Adel Saqer Al-Saqer
Director General of AIDSMO